Learn Numbers in Spanish 1 to 100

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numbers in spanish 1 to 100

The Spanish numbers are not difficult to learn. Even when there are some exceptions in the way to form them, their construction follows rules that will allow students to learn them easily. This article is about Numbers in Spanish 1 to 100.

Spanish numbers 1 to 100

English NumberEnglish Names of NumbersSpanish
Spanish Name of NumbersPronouncing Spanish Numbers
21twenty one21veintiunovayn-tee-oo-no
22twenty two22veintidósvayn-tee-dohs
23twenty three23veintitrésvayn-tee-trace
24twenty four24veinticuatrovayn-tee-kwah-tro
25twenty five25veinticincovayn-tee-sink-o
26twenty six26veintiséisvayn-tee-sace
27twenty seven27veintisietevayn-tee-see-ay-te
28Twenty eight28veintiochovayn-tee-oh-choh
29twenty nine29veintinuevevayn-tee-nway-vay
31thirty one31treinta y uno trayn-tah ee oo-no
32thirty two32treinta y dostrayn-tah ee dose
33thirty three33treinta y trestrayn-tah ee trace
34thirty four34treinta y cuatrotrayn-tah ee kwah-tro
35thirty five35treinta y cincotrayn-tah ee sink-o
36thirty six36treinta y seistrayn-tah ee sayce
37thirty seven37treinta y sietetrayn-tah ee see-ay-te
38thirty eight38treinta y ochotrayn-tah ee oh-choh
39thirty nine39treinta y nuevetrayn-tah ee nway-vay
41forty one41cuarenta y unokwah-ren-tah ee oo-no
42forty two42cuarenta y doskwah-ren-tah ee dose
43forty three43cuarenta y treskwah-ren-tah ee trace
44forty four44cuarenta y cuatrokwah-ren-tah ee kwah-tro
45forty five45cuarenta y cincokwah-ren-tah ee zink-o
46forty six46cuarenta y seiskwah-ren-tah ee sayce
47forty seven47cuarenta y sietekwah-ren-tah ee see-ay-te
48forty eight48cuarenta y ochokwah-ren-tah ee oh-choh
49forty nine49cuarenta y nuevekwah-ren-tah ee nway-vay
51fifty one51cincuenta y unoseen-kwen-tah ee oo-no
52fifty two52cincuenta y dosseen-kwen-tah ee dose
53fifty three53cincuenta y tresseen-kwen-tah ee trace
54fifty four54cincuenta y cuatroseen-kwen-tah ee kwah-tro
55fifty five55cincuenta y cincoseen-kwen-tah ee sink-o
56fifty six56cincuenta y seisseen-kwen-tah ee sayce
57fifty seven57cincuenta y sieteseen-kwen-tah ee see-ay-te
58fifty eight58cincuenta y ocho seen-kwen-tah ee oh-choh
59fifty nine59cincuenta y nueveseen-kwen-tah ee nway-vay
61sixty one61sesenta y unosay-sen-tah ee oo-no
62sixty two62sesenta y dossay-sen-tah ee dose
63sixty three63sesenta y tressay-sen-tah ee trace
64sixty four64sesenta y cuatrosay-sen-tah ee kwah-tro
65sixty five65sesenta y cinco say-sen-tah ee sink-o
66sixty six66sesenta y seissay-sen-tah ee sayce
67sixty seven67sesenta y sietesay-sen-tah ee see-ay-te
68sixty eight68sesenta y ochosay-sen-tah ee oh-choh
69sixty nine69sesenta y nuevesay-sen-tah ee nway-vay
71seventy one71setenta y unosay-ten-tah ee oo-no
72seventy two72setenta y dossay-ten-tah ee dose
73seventy three73setenta y tressay-ten-tah ee trace
74seventy four74setenta y cuatrosay-ten-tah ee kwah-tro
75seventy five75setenta y cincosay-ten-tah ee sink-o
76seventy six76setenta y seissay-ten-tah ee sayce
77seventy seven77setenta y sietesay-ten-tah ee see-ay-te
78seventy eight78setenta y ochosay-ten-tah ee oh-choh
79seventy nine79setenta y nuevesay-ten-tah ee nway-vay
81eighty one81ochenta y unooh-chen-tah ee oo-no
82eighty two82ochenta y dosoh-chen-tah ee dose
83eighty three83ochenta y tresoh-chen-tah ee trace
84eighty four84ochenta y cuatrooh-chen-tah ee kwah-tro
85eighty five85ochenta y cincooh-chen-tah ee sink-o
86eighty six86ochenta y seisoh-chen-tah ee sayce
87eighty seven87ochenta y sieteoh-chen-tah ee see-ay-te
88eighty eight88ochenta y ochooh-chen-tah ee oh-choh
89eighty nine89ochenta y nueveoh-chen-tah ee nway-vay
91ninety one91noventa y unonoh-ven-tah ee oo-no
92ninety two92noventa y dosnoh-ven-tah ee dose
93ninety three93noventa y tresnoh-ven-tah ee trace
94ninety four94noventa y cuatro noh-ven-tah ee kwah-tro
95ninety five95noventa y cinconoh-ven-tah ee sink-o
96ninety six96noventa y seisnoh-ven-tah ee sayce
97ninety seven97noventa y sietenoh-ven-tah ee see-ay-te
98ninety eight98noventa y ochonoh-ven-tah ee oh-choh
99ninety nine99noventa y nuevenoh-ven-tah ee nway-vay
100one hundred100ciensee-en

Examples of How to Use Spanish Numbers

You’ve learned the numbers, but how do you use them? After all, there are many instances where we use numbers everyday. Things like time, the date, our age, etc.

So here are some examples to help you get started:


  • 1:10 – la una y diez
  • 3:25 – las tres vienticinco


  • September 10 – el diez de septiembre
  • January 1 – el primero de enero


  • 10 years old – (tener) diez años
  • 37 years old – (tener) treinta y siete

As Adjectives:

  • Two books – dos libros
  • 300 flowers – trescientas flores


  • $2.20 – dos [dólares] con veinte [centavos]
  • $15.50 – quince [dólares] con cincuenta [centavos]


  • 3 + 3 = 6 – tres más tres son seis
  • 10 – 2 = 8 – diez menos dos son ocho


Spanish numbers generally look the same as English numbers. In this article we have tried to give you an idea about Spanish numbers and their pronunciation. Hope our article will be useful for you. If you like our article then share it with your friends and stay with us. Thank you.

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